Monday, March 16, 2009

Power “Plant”

I wish that the world would be more aware of the environment. I wish that people would use less harmful gases and toxins to help the environment.

Carbon Footprint

I wish that the world would be more aware of their carbon footprint, and leave a greener one for a healthier environment.

I improved my designs by finalizing my work. I outlines some of the images to make them stand out more, and made some things darker so there would be more contrast. They all liked my ideas, but had helpful suggestions for me to improve them.

The first thing I learned was how to use the brush tool in different ways. I learned that you can change the hue variation and the separation of the brush tip. I also learned how to be creative, but stay within specific boundaries. This is important for design students because you need to know how to think outside the box, but at the same time stay within the requirements. If you have to do an advertisement, you have to stick to a criteria, but still be unique and creative. Lastly, I learned how to take advice and use it to make a better final result.

Power “Plant”

I think I deserve a 3 because I stuck within the criteria, and made it my own unique idea for creating the letters. I thought this design was successful because of the unique way of creating the letters to spell the word google.

Carbon Footprint

I think I deserve a 3 because I made it interesting, but kept it simple at the same time. It was successful because of the simplicity. It is important for designs to be simple, and the way that the word google fit inside the foot helped create that effect. Also, the contrast of the light and dark colors made it stand out well.

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